Find the Good in All Things

Finding the good in all things is something that can transform anything and everything in life.  I am amazed when I run across people who have the ability to do this, without being Pollyannaish.  They are teachers to me, and I wish to pass on their wisdom to you. Let...

Life’s Been Good to Me

Life’s been good to me.  It hasn’t given me what I wanted, but it has been good to me.  I think of this when I start believing that I should have things that I don’t. How about you? Most of us are pretty good at knowing what we don’t have and think we want in life. ...

When a Loved One Dies

Recently, someone I have known for a long time died.  I draw on this experience as well as my knowledge as a therapist to address any similar occasion you may have had. When a loved one dies, many thoughts and feelings arise.  Grief, disbelief, loneliness, regrets,...

Report from the Home Front during COVID-19

As a therapist, I regularly have the privilege of coming into and sharing your lives.  Recently, I have also had the privilege of coming into your homes through online telehealth, as the coronavirus emergency continues.  So I thought I would share a general view of...