Understanding the Opposite Sex, Part 1

How men and women are different causes endless consternation and debate—including how we believe our partners should think and be.  Today and in the next two blog posts, I am going to talk about the fascinating ways in which we differ as men and women. Before I get...

Finding the Relationship for You

With Valentine’s Day coming up, I’m going to talk to those of you who are seeking an intimate relationship but are not in one now.  I am going to give you three keys to finding the right relationship for you. The first is growing more whole in yourself.  We have all...

Embracing Adversity

Most of us have something with which we are struggling or we would like to be different.  In a word, adversity arises, and we have to decide what to do.  One’s attitude toward adversity can make all the difference in the world. To address what to do with adversity, it...

Life’s Been Good to Me

Life’s been good to me.  It hasn’t given me what I wanted, but it has been good to me.  I think of this when I start believing that I should have things that I don’t. How about you? Most of us are pretty good at knowing what we don’t have and think we want in life. ...

I Can’t Do It All

“I can’t do it all!”  Have you ever said this to yourself?  “Overwhelm” seems common these days.  So I want to discuss the idea that “I can’t do it all,” and the disempowerment that goes with it. There are so many demands on us—work, children, keeping up...