Life’s Been Good to Me

Life’s been good to me.  It hasn’t given me what I wanted, but it has been good to me.  I think of this when I start believing that I should have things that I don’t. How about you? Most of us are pretty good at knowing what we don’t have and think we want in life. ...

Be Happy Now

A major way that we keep ourselves from happiness is by believing that we need to accomplish a bunch of tasks or achieve a goal before we can be happy.  Life does not have to be this way. The list of things I think I have to do is often a mile long, with things great...

That Wasn’t in the Catalog!

I had a conversation years ago with someone about how life doesn’t always turn out how we thought it would. We have expectations about how we thought things would go, about what we would do, about what we would have, about whom we would be with, about how things would...