by Glenn | Oct 20, 2020 | Self Improvement
What is on your “to do” list today? Some people are avid makers of “to do” lists, whereas others depend on keeping what they want to do in their heads. Regardless of your style, today I tell you, “Never make a ‘to do’ list again!” How can I say this? Even I...
by Glenn | Jan 20, 2020 | Self Improvement
Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? Most likely not. Few people seem to make New Year’s resolutions anymore. The conventional wisdom is that it is no use to make New Year’s resolutions, because 90% of them are broken within three weeks anyway. The fact of the...
by Glenn | Oct 20, 2019 | Self Improvement
Once, when I was 8 or 9 years old, I was in the garage attached to the house I grew up in. I was sawing a piece of wood with a handsaw. I learned something that day that I see as a metaphor for keeping a calm, centered mind as I work at tasks these days. I was...
by Glenn | Jul 22, 2019 | Self Improvement
I had a conversation years ago with someone about how life doesn’t always turn out how we thought it would. We have expectations about how we thought things would go, about what we would do, about what we would have, about whom we would be with, about how things would...
by Glenn | Apr 20, 2019 | Self Improvement
Change is something we all want in some fashion, but we find so difficult to make happen. Today I’m going to discuss with you the four stages of change. Knowing where you are in the changes you want to make can help you to move forward. The four stages to change are:...
by Glenn | Jan 20, 2019 | Self Improvement
For most of us, there are things we would like to have in our lives that we do not. Getting these things takes some effort or a change in how we are doing things. Whether it is the coming of a New Year, an event in our lives that sparks a desire for change, or simply...