I Can’t Do It All

“I can’t do it all!”  Have you ever said this to yourself?  “Overwhelm” seems common these days.  So I want to discuss the idea that “I can’t do it all,” and the disempowerment that goes with it. There are so many demands on us—work, children, keeping up...

Be Happy Now

A major way that we keep ourselves from happiness is by believing that we need to accomplish a bunch of tasks or achieve a goal before we can be happy.  Life does not have to be this way. The list of things I think I have to do is often a mile long, with things great...

It Doesn’t Matter What You Do

Life has a lot to offer when we stay in the right frame of mind.  This is the story of how I came to understand this, and I coined the phrase: It doesn’t matter what you do. It matters how you do it. Pressures in life make us think that we have to do so many things. ...

Never Make a “To Do” List Again

What is on your “to do” list today?  Some people are avid makers of “to do” lists, whereas others depend on keeping what they want to do in their heads.  Regardless of your style, today I tell you, “Never make a ‘to do’ list again!” How can I say this?  Even I...

Let the Saw Do the Work

Once, when I was 8 or 9 years old, I was in the garage attached to the house I grew up in.  I was sawing a piece of wood with a handsaw.  I learned something that day that I see as a metaphor for keeping a calm, centered mind as I work at tasks these days. I was...