Understanding the Opposite Sex, Part 1

How men and women are different causes endless consternation and debate—including how we believe our partners should think and be.  Today and in the next two blog posts, I am going to talk about the fascinating ways in which we differ as men and women. Before I get...

Finding the Relationship for You

With Valentine’s Day coming up, I’m going to talk to those of you who are seeking an intimate relationship but are not in one now.  I am going to give you three keys to finding the right relationship for you. The first is growing more whole in yourself.  We have all...

The Best Way to Change Your Partner

What is the best way to change your partner? Why do I ask this question?  Well, after we have been in a relationship for a while, we seem to start wishing that our partners were different in one way or another.  After that great time at the beginning of a relationship...

To Love Another and To Love Oneself

For Valentine’s Day, it is time to talk of love.  What does it mean to love another and how can we better love ourselves? I have heard that love is a decision, that it is a commitment, and it has been called many other things.  But I think love involves a way of...