Find the Good in All Things

Finding the good in all things is something that can transform anything and everything in life.  I am amazed when I run across people who have the ability to do this, without being Pollyannaish.  They are teachers to me, and I wish to pass on their wisdom to you. Let...

Embracing Adversity

Most of us have something with which we are struggling or we would like to be different.  In a word, adversity arises, and we have to decide what to do.  One’s attitude toward adversity can make all the difference in the world. To address what to do with adversity, it...

Life’s Been Good to Me

Life’s been good to me.  It hasn’t given me what I wanted, but it has been good to me.  I think of this when I start believing that I should have things that I don’t. How about you? Most of us are pretty good at knowing what we don’t have and think we want in life. ...

I Can’t Do It All

“I can’t do it all!”  Have you ever said this to yourself?  “Overwhelm” seems common these days.  So I want to discuss the idea that “I can’t do it all,” and the disempowerment that goes with it. There are so many demands on us—work, children, keeping up...

The Best Way to Change Your Partner

What is the best way to change your partner? Why do I ask this question?  Well, after we have been in a relationship for a while, we seem to start wishing that our partners were different in one way or another.  After that great time at the beginning of a relationship...